Anacostia Goes HAM (Hard As a Meter): Janky Meters Lose Their Heads

A round of applause for everyone who advocated on Anacostia's and Ward 8's behalf. It took less than 24 hours for DDOT to see the light of day and expire those old janky coin-operated-doesn't-take-a-credit-card-hand-me-downs-from-northwest meters.

No word yet on what the plans are for paid parking in Anacostia but I think the message has been sent, "Ward 8 is watching and you better come correct."

Including pictures of the "new" headless meters.

UPDATE | 4:19PM: DDOT just uploaded a statement on their website regarding the removal of the meters from Anacostia. Go HERE to read the full statement, including an excerpt below.  I give respect and kudos to Director Bellamy for resolving this problem quickly and initiating a dialogue with the community.

I want to thank the residents and community leaders who have contacted me about the installation of parking meters on Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue in Anacostia. Let me begin by saying that I have directed our staff to remove the parking meters today. They were installed without notice to the community, an oversight I apologize for on behalf of DDOT. They were also installed prematurely: in the coming weeks DDOT will begin a streetscape project along MLK, between Good Hope and Howard Roads. It is more prudent to install the meters after the construction is completed. 
DDOT has been working with community leaders, the business development community, the ANC’s and DC Council staff to identify potential commercial corridors in Ward 8 that could and should be metered to encourage turnover in the spaces.  It is still our intent to add meters on Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue after the streetscape project is finished next year, and after we have properly consulted with and notified the community.
UPDATE | 4:22PM Come celebrate FREE parking in Anacostia with a FREE concert at Honfleur Gallery (1241 Good Hope Rd SE). There will be music, food, and fun. Sponsored in part by the NEA and ARCH Development Corporation.

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