Ward 8 Democrats Mtng Today at 12pm - All Are Welcome

From Facebook:

The November Meeting of the Ward Eight Democrats will be held on Saturday, November 19 at 12PM.

The meeting will be held at The Imagine Public Charter School ((the Old Congress Heights School) located at 3100 Martin Luther King Avenue, SE. Please note that there is free parking available in the rear parking lot.

Included on the agenda will be an exciting panel presentation on, "Increasing Voter Turnout". Panelist include: Dorian Archie - Obama for America Campaign; Tina & Trina Fletcher - Community Activists, motivational speakers, and Ward 8 Champions; Eugene Dewitt Kinlow - DC Vote, and a member of the DC Democratic State Committee.

Additionally, Jacque Patterson, Immediate Past President, will be presenting on the responsibilities of the DC Housing Finance Board and his role on that board.

Following the meeting a Fellowship Luncheon will be served. For more information you may contact Kim Bell at kinectick@gmail.com.

All are cordially invited. Hope to see you there!

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