IN PICTURES: Anacostia Never Far From Home reception. Friday, July 30th

Posting some pictures of last Friday's Anacostia: Never Far From Home reception at The Gallery at Vivid Solutions in Historic Anacostia.  I have some even better pictures that I will post soon, once I manage to find them.  It was a great event and I was very honored to be one of the featured bloggers in the exhibition.  I had a great time collaborating with the other two bloggers, Fred Joiner and David Garber on our community wall. HGTV and Al-Jazeera were in attendance filming the event or David (lol) for their respective programs. It was a great event and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. "Big Ups" to everyone who came out to this exhibit and the East of the River art exhibitions.  For me, this event was very special  because my family came all the way up from Virginia Beach and fought horrible rush hour traffic to see the show.  I think it was unanimous that everyone thought  I look a lot like my mummy (who is gorgeous so I will happily take that compliment).

All in all a great show.  Please visit The Gallery at Vivid Solutions to check out the exhibition as well as to bring your pictures of Anacostia or Anacostia life and add them to the community wall.  Pictures will be returned after the exhibit so please bring them in to share with the community!

To have your pictures be a part of the community wall or to learn more about the series contact: Beth at  / 202-365-8392

More pictures below:

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