WASHPO: Focusing on your community

The Advoc8te is really liking the Washington Post's recent efforts to get more in touch with the communities East of the River. The topics of their articles have been much more diverse and Washington Post reporters are evening using neighborhood names - and properly!  I know the new "hyper-local" strategy is not geared specifically for River East but it is nice to see them putting forth the effort to report  about our communities beyond he typical trifecta of  poverty, crime and Barry (not exactly in that order).

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article which is about the Senior Health and Wellness Center in Congress Heights.

Photo courtesy of Jahi Chikwendiu/the Washington Post
Charles Grayton, 68, gets twirled by Sandra Curtis, 64, during a dance class last week at the Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center. Their conversation about the class played out much like their moves on the dance floor, one's words twirling about the other's.

"I love my dancing," Curtis said. "It's just aerobic exercise."

"Dancing is aerobic exercise without the pain on your face," Grayton said.

The wellness center is one of four run by the D.C. government. Membership is free to city residents 60 and older. In addition to fitness and nutrition classes, the Congress Heights facility offers courses on massage therapy, sign language, arts and crafts, and computer training.

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