More drool-worthy pictures of THE house for sale in Historic Anacostia

I need someone to go ahead and buy this house already so I can stop drooling over it and move on.  This house is a S-T-E-A-L at only $289,800. My mother saw this house and tears came to her eyes - she loved it that much, and as much as I love my mom I don't want her moving in 10 minutes away (sorry Mom).   Therefore, I need someone to do me a solid and buy this house NOW and then let me and my mom come over all the time to oggle it. Or perhaps we can just watch the episodes of HGTV's "My first Sale" and kick ourselves for not buying it when we could.

Go HERE to check out the listing through Anacostia River Realty.

Go below to view more pictures

View from Window:
Main Street with the coffee shop, restaurants and art galleries are only steps away.

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