[PR] Coronavirus Data for April 29, 2020


Thursday, April 30, 2020

(Washington, DC) – The District’s reported data for Wednesday, April 29, 2020 includes 217 new positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, bringing the District’s overall positive case total to 4,323.

The District reported 19 additional COVID-19 related deaths:

  • 48-year-old male

  • 55-year-old female

  • 62-year-old male

  • 63-year-old male

  • 64-year-old female

  • 66-year-old male

  • 67-year-old male

  • 67-year-old female

  • 68-year-old male

  • 69-year-old male

  • 73-year-old male

  • 73-year-old female

  • 77-year-old male

  • 77-year-old male

  • 78-year-old male

  • 78-year-old male

  • 78-year-old female

  • 92-year-old female

  • 95-year-old female

Tragically, 224 District residents have lost their lives due to COVID-19.

Below is the District’s aggregated total of positive COVID-19 cases, sorted by age and gender.

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 10.22.39 AM.png

Below is the District’s aggregated total of positive COVID-19 cases, sorted by ward of residence.

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