Nov 22 | Benning Market Working Group Meeting #1

Friday, November 22, 2019
6pm - 8pm
Denny’s, 4445 Benning Road, NE
Hosted by the Market 7 Flea

Next year Market 7 is opening a 7,000 sq ft food hall in Ward 7 for the purpose of alleviating the food desert in our community. The food hall will feature a variety of food installations, cuisines from across the diaspora, and a new community grocery store. We have a lot of work to do in the coming year, and would like to establish a working group that will enable residents and community stakeholders to provide suggestions for the upcoming marketplace, give feedback on the progress of the project, and volunteer for other tasks related to our new space. 

We would like to cordially invite Ward 7 residents and community stakeholders to be members of our inaugural Market 7 Community Working Group! Our working group will meet at least once a quarter leading up to the opening of our community marketplace. Members of the working group will discuss and provide advisory on the following:

  • Volunteerism at Market 7

  • Workforce Development and Training

  • Fresh Food Access

  • Sustainable Restaurants

  • Community & Family Programming

  • Health Services for Residents

  • Building Design & Culture

  • Marketing and Advertising

  • Community & Corporate Partnerships

  • Community Economic and Social Needs

Our first meeting will be on Friday, November 22th at 6pm at Denny's (private dining area). DINNER IS ON US! Please RSVP here. If you have any questions regarding the working group please contact us at Also, please feel free to invite any Ward 7 residents and community stakeholders that would like to be engaged in this project.