July 26 | Community Meeting for Community Grocery Co-Op

If you want a Community owned Grocery Store in your neighborhood to provide Organic, Affordable, Good quality foods. Come to this Community Meeting to find out more about CGC.

The meeting will be at the Anacostia Center, 6:30p.m until 7:30 p.m.

You can RSVP for the event here: https://communitygrocery.coop

Meeting Agenda:
6:30p.m - 6:38p.m

Introduction & Ice breaker
6:40p.m 7:15p.m

Learn about a Co-op and how you can be involved with CGC !
7:15p.m - 7:25p.m

Vision from the community for a Community-owned grocery store
7:25p.m - 7:30p.m

Closing with next steps and announcements

Community Grocery Co-op was founded to provide residents in Wards 7 and 8 access to healthy food and local products that are equitable, affordable, and will support a healthy lifestyle.