July 22 | Wordplay at Honfleur Gallery [SP]

Share your work, promote your projects and create community.

Wordplay is always fun, fascinating and surprising! Poetry, spoken word, a complete short story, hilarious standup, an entire new play, one act of a new play, an a cappella song series, and a science fiction... opera?

WOW. All of that has happened at WordPlay.

Wordplay is a monthly event for creatives that wish to test out excerpts of their work in front  of a live audience. It is open to artists of all kinds: theater makers, poets, comics, writers, musicians, filmmakers, etc… The only criteria is that it is your original work. There's an online sign up sheet and each artist is given up to 15 minutes to share whatever they are working on. 

It is free to the public and we welcome enthusiastic supporters!

 The next Wordplay will be Monday, July 22 at 7pm

Honfleur Gallery, 1241 Marion Barry Ave., SE 20020

This is an initiative of Open Road in collaboration with Valley Place Arts Collaborative and ARCH Development, all 501(c)3 non-profit arts organizations. Donations for the project are welcome. 

To sign up for a time slot in advance:


Or show up and join the wait list!