Feb 20 | Ward 8 Candidates Forum at Busboys and Poets


Learn about the candidates that are running for offices in Ward 8 & citywide.

Decision 2020 is almost here.

Candidates are looking to get petitions signed to get on the ballot and raising money to support their campaigns.

Have you been asked to sign a petition?
Have you been asked to donate to a campaign?
Are you unsure about who to support?
Then you should be here!

The purpose of the Ward Eight Candidates Forum is to:

Increase political awareness;
Inform and educate attendees on the issues and about candidates’ platforms;
Increase opportunities for attendees to ask the candidates questions;
Increase voter engagement and turnout; and,
Bring together a wide range of community leaders

Political Offices Include:
US Representative
US Senator
At-Large City Council
Ward 8 City Council
State Board of Education

We look forward to seeing you there!

Co-sponsored by:
We Act Radio
Commissioner Salim Adofo