August 30 | UPO Ward 7 Open House

The United Planning Organization (UPO), the designated community action agency for Washington, DC, was launched in 1962 to plan, coordinate, and implement human services programs for community residents. Today, UPO continues to offer with a wide array of programs, including: early childhood education; youth development; employment and training; community health; housing counseling; case management; and referrals to other supportive services.

UPO’s Board of Directors is governed by a 21-member tripartite structure. Members represent Washington, DC’s 8 wards and the public and private communities:❱1/3 are democratically elected representatives of residents with low incomes, including one designated representative of the UPO Policy Council❱1/3 are elected public officials or their representatives: one member designated by DC’s Delegate in the US House of Representatives and 6 members designated by the Mayor❱1/3 are representatives of major groups and interests, elected by the UPO BoardThis passionate group of people has the responsibility is to ensure that UPO assesses and responds to the causes and conditions of poverty in the District, and remains fiscally and administratively sound.