A few words about "resilience" from the heart of this woman of color

In keeping with this year's commitment to push my boundaries on CHotR topics of a more personal nature, I present a few thoughts from my heart. I shared these words a few weeks ago on my personal Facebook page but I was moved to share them on the blog today. I hope this inner dialogue provides some comfort and or solidarity to someone who may be facing some challenges of their own. You are not alone. 


For me, RESILIENCE means walking in truth, speaking with integrity, and being fearless even when you aren’t seen as powerful. It means doing right even in a room full of wrong. It means keeping meticulous records and collecting “proof” because you know first-hand the the harsh reality of the world when you are a woman, particularly a black woman. 😳 Justice is not always blind when it comes to our tribe and sometimes it’s easier for some to deny the truth than to demand the change that is sorely needed. 

When is someone going to organize a march for the millions of women of color who face injustice and loss every day? Where’s our champion? 

I’ve spent the past decade blogging and advocating for Ward 8 as “The Advoc8te” and if that’s taught me anything, it’s that sometimes you have to be willing to put EVERYTHING (including your hard earned reputation) on the line to demand justice, not just for yourself but for those that came before you and those that will come after you.  

Ladies, our time is now. It’s time to step up. I’m ready, are you?