April 4 | Center for Non-profit Advancement: Development Planning 101 @ THEARC

Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: THEARC, 1901 Mississippi Ave SE

Course Objective: Learn the best ways to create financial sustainability for your organization through an organized development and fundraising plan.

Faculty: Barbara O’Reilly, Windmill Hill Consulting

According to the 2014 Individual Donor Benchmark Report, the secret sauce for raising more money is to have a fundraising plan. A good fundraising plan serves as your roadmap for the year. It doesn’t need to be complicated but your plan should answer these four questions:

1. How much do you need to raise this year?
2. How does that fundraising goal support your capacity and program growth?
3. What different sources of funding will contribute to that goal?
4. What fundraising activities will help you hit your goal?

If your organization has never developed a fundraising plan or would like to learn about new ways to think about your organization’s financial sustainability, this session is for you. Join Barbara O’Reilly, Principal, Windmill Hill Consulting, LLC, who will help you create an effective and achievable fundraising roadmap by understanding key activities needed to write a plan, what you need to do to set your course for the fiscal year, and how to analyze and measure your effectiveness.

Registration Fee*: $49.00 for Center Members and PIA; $49.00 for YNPNdc Members; $89.00 for all others
*SPECIAL FEE: $25.00 for Nonprofits Serving East of the River Communities
If your organization is not a Center member and you signed up for membership today, you would instantly get one free course to be used within the first year of your membership. Find out more about Center membership.

Click here to contact our Program Assistant to take advantage of your free course.

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