Today I started my new job as Director of Marketing for THEARC!

In addition to my new job, I have new job hair. ;) 
Hello Dear Readers---

Today I am super excited to share some amazing news. I am starting 2015 off with a new plan, a new outlook, and a brand new job!

After almost five amazing years as the Director of Marketing and Business Development for ARCH Development Corporation and Managing Director of The HIVE 2.0 I have decided to join the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) as Director of Marketing!

I have always considered myself to be very lucky to not only be a Ward 8 resident but have the opportunity to work in Ward 8. The fact that I was able to work with such a forward thinking, innovative, and community-driven organization as ARCH was the answer to my dreams! If there was ever a Ward 8 organization deserving of administration, support, and more funding it was ARCH. I had a great boss, Duane Gautier (this year's Washingtonian of the Year!) and my colleagues at the Anacostia Arts Center, The HIVE 2.0, Honfleur Gallery and Vivid Solutions gallery were both talented and friendly. My time at ARCH was the best time of my personal and professional career. I will be forever in their debt for giving me not only a job but the support of making a positive impact in Ward 8. No matter where I work I know I will always be a part of the ARCH family.

So why did I decided to leave such an amazing place?! Simply put, I was confident that ARCH was on solid ground and I knew that Anacostia's revitalization was well under way. I knew in my heart that with so many community stakeholders, residents, businesses, and organizations committed to Anacostia that Anacostia wasn't just going to be fine, Anacostia was going to be great! 

So with that in mind, I began to look up Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE toward my own neighborhood to find a way to give back to my neck of the woods.  How could I take the skills and contacts I developed working in Anacostia and apply them to this end of Ward 8? 

As luck (or fate) would have it, the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (another well respected Ward 8 nonprofit) had a need for a compulsive social media guru with a love for community outreach. They needed another set of hands to join their already amazing marketing staff (shoutout to Jasmine Taylor!!!!).  So after some deep reflection and consulting with my family I decided to take the position. Another upside? My new job reduces my commute from 7 minutes to 5 minutes! #Winning

My ARCH family in true amazing fashion took my decision with all of the class, support, and love that is typical of them. My colleagues wished me the best of luck and invited me to come back and consult with them on special projects. I will still be running Eat Shop Live Anacostia, so although I am moving on up the avenue I will still keep an eye out and a hand in the beautiful Anacostia neighborhood! 

So what will I be doing at THEARC? 

At ARCH I did a lot of things and in addition to marketing that included economic development and small business development. At THEARC I will be working entirely on marketing and community engagement. My job is to make sure you are aware of what is going on at THEARC, and with eleven partner organizations (and growing!) that is a lot of information to share! So please stay tuned for updates on THEARC events, programs, and services. My goal here is for you to not ask, "What is going on at THEARC?" but instead ask, "What should I do first?"

So with that in mind, I will be blogging my first days, weeks, and months working from THEARC campus. I will take you on a tour of THEARC's property, staff, and partner programs. My hope is that you will be inspired to visit THEARC and their partners more often and bring some friends with you! 

What I love about THEARC and what inspired me to take this new opportunity is that THEARC is so focused around the idea of people and families. Every member of a family can find something of value at THEARC which is fitting because THEARC is part of of our Ward 8 family. 

So with that in mind, I am very happy to say that #IamTHEARC and I look forward to you saying (or tweeting) the same! 

For more information about THEARC visit: or on Twitter at @THEARC_DC

And now, my next chapter begins...


The Advoc8te
AKA Nikki Peele

P.S. Just a reminder that the thoughts expressed on Congress Heights on the Rise are my own and do not reflect the views of the organizations I work for or represent. Same thing for my Twitter and Facebook accounts.