LUMEN8WORKSHOP! Share your food stories this Saturday at Tactile Anacostia!

JUNE 29: Tactile Anacostia: Preserving Food Stories Workshops @ Anacostia Arts Center, 12-4pm 

Share your personal food stories and help preserve some local produce at the Tactile Anacostia workshops. Conceptual food artist Carmen C. Wong invites all Anacostia and neighboring Ward 8 residents to come preserve their food stories and collectively preserve locally-obtained produce into jams, pickles, sauces. Participants get to take home jars of these Anacostia-grown stories and art.
Come ready to tell and record your food stories, and learn those of your fellow Anacostia neighbors. The resulting jars and audio-preserved stories will be featured in a future gastro-art experience created and directed by Wong.
Don’t live in Ward 8 but wish to be a part of the project? You are warmly welcome to lend a hand! Any Questions:

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