HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! We turn 5 years old today!

5 years ago today I launched Congress Heights on the Rise with this first post. Since then I have posted 5,130 blog posts, readers have weighed in 2,838 times, and the template has changed more times than I can count. :)

In celebration of this special milestone, today's Congress Heights on the Rise will be dedicated to all things CHotR related. I will be sharing my favorite blog posts, my favorite reader comments, some funny stories about the blog, and I will be unveiling some new plans for the future.

I will also be answering some reader questions today. So if you ever wanted to ask me something either about myself or the blog or my thoughts on particular issues today is the day. As long as the questions are respectful I will answer them. Send your questions to: advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com

Stay tuned, today is going to be a fun day!

I am so excited! Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me!

The Advoc8te

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com