Kimberly Brock you are a fucking IDIOT

Now detach that.

Normally I try to avoid such language but sometimes some comments are so  egregious and small minded that you have to call it for what it is - ignorance.

There are wonderful people and places in the District and violence anywhere to anyone is a problem --- not just for the residents of Virginia. The good people of Anacostia (a place that I am sure you have never been or could even locate on a map) are delightful people to know and to respect.

Perhaps once you pull your head from your ass you can come down to Anacostia on the 14th for the LUMEN8Anacostia festival. Perhaps then you can see for yourself the wonderful things that make our community special. Our residents are good people and are happy to live here. Several residents have moved here from other communities (like Virginia) because they see the beauty here. You have insulted us all with your small mindness.

I suppose I should be thankful you didn't say "those people." You should be ashamed. 

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