WCP: The Case of the Missing Marion Barry Campaign Filing

Go HERE to read the full article by Alan Suderman.


Indeed, Barry's report has not (as of LL writing this) been posted online by the Office of Campaign Finance, which normally put the reports up shortly after they are submitted. Patterson says he called OCF today to confirm that Barry hadn't turned in a report before launching his mini jihad. "I was trying to make sure before I made any statement," he says. And when LL called earlier today, spokeswoman Sonya Lake said that there was no report filed by the Barry campaign. 
But Robert James, Barry's campaign treasurer, insisted that he'd handed in the report on January 30th, a day before the deadline. He suggested that LL call OCF back and get them to double check. 
Sure enough, when LL called back, Lake said that Barry's report had in fact been turned in. Lake said the report had been sitting on the desk of an OCF employee who is currently out of the office, which she said explains why it hadn't been posted online yet. She said it could take as long as five (!) days to get the sucker online if it's a big filing.

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