Ward 8 Council Candidate Jacque Patterson: "Let's Hold Marion Barry Accountable!"

Jacque Patterson

At some point the residents of Ward 8 have to say, "enough is enough"! And that we are going to hold Marion Barry to the same standards as other residents in other parts of our city.

And no, I'm not referring to the conduct unbecoming of a councilmember, that was displayed yesterday between Councilmember Barry and Councilmember Catania that has the media distracted from the real issues that our residents face everyday.

I'm talking about Marion Barry's total disregard to file his campaign finance report on the required date of January 31, 2012. As of today, 15 days after the reporting period has past, Councilmember Barry still has not filed his report. This is a direct violation of the ethics that he has sworn to uphold.

But no one has held him accountable. Not the Office of Campaign Finance. Not his colleagues on the dais. And not the people who go unreported that have contributed to this type of unethical behavior and stand to profit from his re-election.

This is typical treatment by the press that Marion Barry actually counts on for re-election. That people and press will focus more on his personal life and not his professional performance. He doesn't want the press to focus on unemployment or HIV/AIDS rates, but be distracted by an argument between two councilmembers who make $125,000 for a part-time job while the average Ward 8 residents don't make that amount for a full-time job.

But I'm not going to let that be the case this election cycle.

In the up-coming forums, I'm going to focus dead-on the quality of life in Ward 8. I am going to make it unavoidable to discuss how the high unemployment, the lack of economic development, affordable housing and school reform are affecting the lives of Ward 8 residents. These are the subjects I'm running on!

Voters, don't be distracted by Councilmembers Barry's personal life. Ask yourself one very simple question, "Is your life any better since you voted for him in 2008?" If the answer is no, than let's make a change on April 3, 2011!


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