Ward 8 Minority-Owned Firm To Do Anacostia Safety Improvement Project

Friday, December 2, 2011
Media Contact: John Lisle at 202-671-2004

Work to Start on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue Safety Improvement Project
Project to be Constructed by Local Minority-owned Firm

(Washington, D.C.) The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced plans are in place to begin the Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue Safety Improvement Project on or about December 5, weather permitting.  This $1.4 million project is locally funded and will be constructed by a Ward 8 minority-owned firm, F&L Construction.

We are pleased this project will give back to the community in multiple ways,” said Mayor Vincent C. Gray. “It will create jobs for District residents and support a small business in the District while providing much-needed upgrades to this historic corridor through downtown Anacostia.”

The project will make key safety improvements on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue between Good Hope and Howard Roads to improve mobility for pedestrians and motorists.  As part of the improvements that will be made crosswalks will be reconstructed; wheelchair ramps will be upgraded to ensure ADA compliance; brick sidewalks, curbs, gutters, broken alley entrances will be repaired and/or replaced; and the roadway surface will be milled and overlaid.  

Construction activities will take place between 7 am and 7 pm Monday through Friday and may include Saturday.  The project is expected to take approximately 4 months to complete.

Lane closures will only occur between the morning and afternoon rush hours.  At a minimum one traffic lane in each direction will be kept open while construction is taking place. 

Access to all properties will be kept open.  Curbside parking restrictions will apply throughout the project area.  No-parking notices will be posted 72 hours in advance.

Questions about this project may be directed to the DDOT Project Engineer - Mr. Phillips Folayan at 202-741-8536 orphillips.folayan@dc.gov


For additional traffic advisories please visit DDOT’s Traffic Alerts page or visit goDCgo.com for more information on transportation options in the District

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