Winners Of My Most Favorite Folks East of the River Contest

On Tuesday the Washington Post put me on front street  nominated in the "Most Favorite DC-Area Blogger" category for their 2nd Annual D.C. Tweeps 2011 contest. While flattering, this honor is ironic to say the least. You may recall my "why I will never win this contest" post from last year. Regardless,  I am choosing to be flattered by the nomination, especailly as it looks like I am the only nominee for the contest who lives East of the River (I may be wrong).  I will discuss in a separate post the details of the contest and how I will solicit your votes without looking like a complete hypocrite (mission impossible).

I digress. My surprising nomination got me to thinking about some of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting over the four years that I have been living, working, and hell raising East of the River. I wanted to take a moment and honor some of those special folks (the ones I had pictures of anyway) that make River East so great. It really is about the special people (and dogs) who make Ward 7 and Ward 8 better.

Check out the slideshow below. East of the River is a small community so  I am sure you will see some familiar faces. Each one of these folks are talented and have contributed in some way to the improvement and enjoyment of our community. I would have liked to include more folks but I only had a limited amount of pictures so please don't be insulted if you don't see yourself. You are still awesome....or I am just saying that to cover up the fact that I really don't like you (just kidding - sort of).

Hope you enjoy.

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