Dec 7 | Basis DC Charter School Info Session @ THEARC

Piping hot from my inbox:

BASIS DC, an exciting new public charter middle/high school option, will open its doors in August 2012 for 400 students in grades 5-8 (and move up a grade each year after).

There are six BASIS schools in Arizona. BASIS Tucson, the flagship school, is ranked among the top ten high school programs in the nation by Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, and The Washington Post.

BASIS DC will offer students the same internationally competitive liberal arts academic program that earned BASIS Tucson national acclaim and, unlike many of the nation’s elite academic institutions, it will offer this top-quality education free-of-charge to all students who wish to enroll.

Our philosophy is simple. We hire teachers who love children and are experts in their subject matter. We give them the support and freedom they need to perfect their craft. We teach students the study and organizational skills early on in middle school so they can take responsibility for their own education. Finally, we raise the bar for student achievement to internationally competitive levels and we hold everyone – students, teachers, and managers – accountable for their results.

Bring your questions and come meet the head of school, Mary Riner Siddall and new schools development manager Paul Morrissey at a parent information session in your neighborhood.

RSVP for one of the information sessions here:

Tuesday, December 6
6:30-8:00 PM
Palisades Neighborhood Library
PAL Small Meeting Room
4901 V Street, NW
(D6 Bus)

Wednesday, December 7
7:00-8:30 PM
FBR Branch Boys & Girls Club
1901 Misissippi Avenue, SE
(Southern Avenue)

Monday, December 12
6:30-8:00 PM
Turkey Thicket Recreation Center
Multipurpose Room 2
1100 Michigan Avenue, NE
(Brookland-CUA Metro)

Tuesday, December 13
6:30-8:00 PM
Lutheran Church of the Reformation
Upper 220 (rowhouse next to church)
212 East Capitol Street, NE
(Capitol South or Union Station)

Wednesday, December 14
12:00-1:30 PM
Brown bag lunch
Fordham Foundation
1016 16th Street, NW
7th Floor
(Farragut West or Farragut North Metro)

If you are a parent or guardian who wants to enroll your child in BASIS DC next school year, please visit our website and sign up for our Interest List. Parents who sign up for the Interest List will be notified via email about the beginning of the open registration period for BASIS DC and the parent information sessions organized by the school.

Sign up for our Interest List here:

Mary Riner Siddall
Head of School

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