WashPo | Free turkeys don’t fly in Barry’s Ward 8

Go HERE for the full article by Courtland Milloy.


With the poverty rate in his ward at an astounding 27 percent and the unemployment rate going through the roof at 35 percent, you’d think Barry would be high on the list for such pressurizing. But to constituents, he is hardly the one responsible for the economic debacle wreaking havoc on their lives. 
“I think Wall Street has robbed us blind and then deprived us of any opportunity to make money,” Ruby Franklin told me after picking up her turkey at Union Temple Baptist Church. Then, after letting go of the hard feelings, she added softly, “This is such a nice thing for Marion to do. My granddaughter has a cold and I’m going to put this turkey into a soup and some stew and take it to her.” 
Mary Cuthbert, a resident who was on hand to help out with the turkey giveaway, blamed a hatred of President Obama by certain members of Congress for the nation’s economic stagnation. “There are people in Congress whom I view as traitors,” she said. “They would rather see the nation destroyed than to see Obama succeed.” At least Barry was trying to feed people and not take food out their mouths, she said.

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