Congress Heights Business Owner Gives Away 375 Turkeys

Go HERE for the Washington Post story.


On Sunday, there were no glass walls between Kassaye, 35, and his customers as hundreds of residents lined up outside for the Mellon Convenience Store Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway and block party. The store owner milled around, hugging customers and hoping that the 375 birds he’d bought would be enough. 
The third annual giveaway was a cheerful moment for an area of the city with pockets of poverty and attention-grabbing crime, such as the homicide last month of a gas station attendant. Police said the attendant was shot across the street from Kassaye’s store by a patron who had taken a gun to the store.
“Without the people who live in the community, I am nothing,” Kassaye said. “I just want to tell them thank you. They deserve this.”

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