What The Heck Is This Noise At 4:30am?!

At 4:30am I (and I am sure any of my neighbors not in a coma) were awakened to a loud metallic pounding noise. It's unclear exactly what the noise is or where it was coming from but it sounded suspiciously like construction related noise (like a pile driver) and it sounded like it was coming from the direction of the new Coast Guard HQ on the Saint Es campus. My neighborhood is also close to the Bolling Air Force base so it is probable the noise is coming from there.

Whatever it is, the "pounding" is still going on, 40 60 minutes after it first started.

Whoever is responsible for this racket is not being a good neighbor.  I hope this is not going to be the case if and when the big construction takes place on the West and East campuses of Saint Elizabeths.

We have enough issues in Congress Heights, the last thing we need is sleep deprivation.

I have audio clips but I am tired of looking for a stupid service to embed them that doesn't take forever and a day (sorry, I am tired).

4:53am (with window open)
Mystery Noise Clip 1 by congressheightsontherise

4:58am (window closed)
Mystery Noise Clip 2 by congressheightsontherise