Ward 8: Land of Cupcakes and Princesses

I posted this earlier but it is totally worth a repeat.  In addition to CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES, East of the River (Fairlawn in particular) is now home to it's vary own princess palace, Royelle's Princess Palace to be specific. Royelle's is located above the new CUPCAKE shop, Olivia's Cupcakes.

Spread the word (and the fairy dust)  and bring you little princess for some pampering and then go downstairs for some CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES!

Now where is a prince (with a CUPCAKE) when you need him?

Royelle's Princess Party Palace
Alexis Bullock, Owner
2318 Minnesota Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20020
(202) 359-5732

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