WASHINGTON TIMES: D.C. unemployment official fired amid ongoing probes

Blogger Disclosure: The Advoc8te has met Ms. Fraser several times throughout the years at various Ward 8 events and was on a panel moderated by her this Saturday at the Ward 8 Democrats Convention. I am both shocked and saddened by these allegations. However, in keeping with the spirit of CHotR, of sharing Ward 8 news, I am linking to the articles. 

Go HERE to read the full Washington Times article by Jeffery Anderson


Gaby L. Fraser, a politically connected Ward 8 activist and consultant, was earning more than $97,000 at the D.C. Department of Employment Services (DOES), according to city records. She had served as an associate unemployment director for about two months after joining the agency in 1997, officials said.
“When we learned that Gaby Fraser was under investigation by the inspector general, we launched our own internal investigation, which brought to our attention information that we forwarded to that office,” said David Thompson, a DOES spokesman. “As a result, Ms. Fraser has been terminated from DOES effective today.”

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