WASHINGTON POST: Unemployment fraud probe leads to city employee’s firing

Blogger Disclosure: The Advoc8te has met Ms. Fraser several times throughout the years at various Ward 8 events and was on a panel moderated by her this Saturday at the Ward 8 Democrats Convention. I am both shocked and saddened by these allegations. However, in keeping with the spirit of CHotR, of sharing Ward 8 news, I am linking to today's articles. 

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article by Mike DeBonis

Top official in the District’s employment services agency has been fired in connection with an ongoing investigation into suspected unemployment insurance fraud, city officials said Wednesday.

Gaby L. Fraser, 55, was taken off the job Sept. 1 and fired Tuesday.

No charges have been filed against Fraser, but Mayor Vincent C. Gray(D) and aides confirmed Wednesday that the termination was related to the investigation being conducted by the Office of the Inspector General.

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