r.e.e.l. seeks volunteers for EotR Career Exposure Camp

From the MPD 7D listserv:
Good Afternoon!
r.e.e.l. is looking for volunteers to help out at our East of the River Career Exposure Camp on August 4,5,6 at the SE White House.
Each summer, students will be exposed to a professional career field.  This year, r.e.e.l. has partnered with the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) to expose students to the field of architecture and to build math, science and reading skills.  We need volunteers from 9am to 3pm to assist the instructors during class and other light duties. 
If you are interested, please attend our Volunteer Orientation on tomorrow, July 6th at 7PM at the SE White House, 2909 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.  We will provide an overview of the camp and volunteer responsibilities.
Please forward to others who might want to volunteer.  Also, please forward to parents who would be interested in enrolling their child(ren).  The application deadline is July 15, 2011.
 If you have any questions, please contact the Leadership and Engagement Comittee (LEC) at info@reeldc.og or at 240-643-1492.
Thanks, Kellie 
Kellie Armstead
Leadership & Engagement Committee (LEC)
Photo courtesy the Washington Times