Ward 8 Community Events

Metropolitan Police Department- 7th District’s Safe Summer Crime Prevention Kick-Off. When: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Time: 5:00 pm. Where: Stanton Elementary School 2701 Naylor Road SE (Enter the field on 25th Street)

Youth Outreach Anti-Violence Summit at THEARC on Friday, June 24, 2011.  Please circulate through your agencies to community partners, youth and families you are working with and add the event to your calendars.  For more information about the summit, please contact: Wendy Pohlhaus at the U.S. DOJ via email: Wendy.Pohlhaus@usdoj.gov

Ward 8 Community Summit Please join Mayor Gray, Councilman Barry and government agency Directors for this historic Ward 8 Community Summit. Participate in a day-long interactive work session to develop
priorities for economic development issues that will be used to ensure the community shapes this change. Date: Saturday, July 9th, 2011. Location: Savoy and Thurgood Marshall Academy Sports and Learning Center
2427 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20020. Anacostia Station. Time: 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Doors open at 9:00 a.m

Raise-A-Man Event. The purpose of the summit is to position black men in the lives of black boys be-tween the ages of 7 – 17 who are in need of a strong black male figure. This will be accomplished through relevant programs that are operated or facilitated by these men. All participating programs will have openings for enrollment on the day of the event for immediate placement. The participating programs include but are not limited to entrepreneurship, life skills, spiritual growth, mentoring, G.E.D. studies, stress management, sports, music production and more. Ages 17 to 24. Date: Sat, July 23, 2011, Time: 10:30am-2pm. When: Matthews Memorial Baptist Church-2616 MLK, Jr. Ave, SE– Wash, DC 20020. Event Director: Lamont Carey

The Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative is working tirelessly to produce monthly community calendars. If you have an event you would like submitted please contact FSFSC