Every Monday in June: FREE Building With Found Materials Class @ Honfleur Gallery


A free school for thinkers, doers, tinkerers and those passionate about something, anything and everything. During June 2011, cross-disciplinary, all-ages classes will be taught by and for DC’s residents throughout the entire city. Cemeteries, galleries, houses, cafes, grocery stores, museums, parks, and kitchens will serve as school houses for a month of classes.

Instructor: Briony Evans Hynson

Date, Time and Location: Every Monday in June, 6pm – 8pm, Honfleur Gallery,  1241 Good Hope Rd SE (Anacostia metro)
Description: Ever wondered-how to I incorporate part of an old car into a new desk?-which glue will join marbles to street signs?-how to join inflatable toys to each other? This class may be for you. From DIY/home repair to creating contemporary artwork, creative reuse and resourcing of otherwise disused materials is a practical skill. Class will begin investigation by collaborative construction of a sculpture-piece from found materials (provided by participants), in order to learn the basics of cutting and fastening various materials– wood, plastics, metal, glass, cardboard, concrete, etc. We will cover basic safety, hand tool and power tool use. In additional sessions, students are encouraged to bring their own project for discussion and problem-solving.
For a listing of more FREE classes visit the Knowledge Commons DC website