WCP:For Peaceoholics, Lots of Money, Little Oversight: How Adrian Fenty's Favorite Non-Profit Worked the System in D.C.

For Peaceoholics, Lots of Money, Little Oversight: How Adrian Fenty's Favorite Non-Profit Worked the System in D.C.

Peaceoholics has received more than $10 million in grants and loans since
2005 through DYRS, MPD, DS, D.C. Council earmarks, and other agencies—most of
the money coming from no-bid contracts. The payments started before Fenty took
office. But during Fenty’s term, a steady trickle of cash became a flood. By
2007, tax records show, Peaceoholics was doing so well that its two highest-paid
employees, Moten and director Jauhar Abraham, were making around $100,000 each.
(No federal tax records are available after 2007.)

In 2008 and 2009, DYRS alone paid the group about $1 million a year. In
exchange, they worked with an average of just 22 kids per month, according to
the group’s own records.

This year, copies of city contracts show Peaceoholics got $500,000 in
federal cash through the District’s Justice Grants Administration, which doesn’t
need council approval. The contract lists only broad categories that
Peaceoholics planned to spend the money on: $99,000 for personnel; $16,830 for
“fringe benefits”; $11,000 on travel; $4,500 for supplies; $7,000 for equipment.
A full $251,000 was earmarked for “contracts/consultants,” with no further
explanation in the document. Under “other,” they listed $110,170 in

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