PARDON ME FOR VOTING: My thoughts on the ANC 8C races.

I have never held back my true feelings for the deplorable state that my current Advisory Neighborhood Commission, ANC 8C is in. At one time, I was hopeful for a turnaround or at least at least a breakthrough. For over two years, I worked hard day and night to effect some positive change - and snacks! I reached into my own pocket for snacks at meetings for my 8C02 Single Member District meetings hopeful that snacks would encourage other residents to get involved and support our Single Member District Member, Dion Jordan. Don't worry, the 8C02 Single Member District meetings did not last for long. They went on a summer hiatus - last year - and haven't returned since. Regardless of the reason we didn't have them and we desperatly needed them.  We couldn't afford to not have them.

I digress.

Despite my many disappointments with ANC 8C I am still fighting the good fight but just as I finally realized in the last ANC 8C meeting I attended, "change is a comin' but not with this current commisison." As a whole our ANC doesn't want to change, they don't know how to change and saddest of all I really think will stand in the way of that change if it means they can't sit on the board. These aren't bad people I just think they aren't ready to hand over the reins to someone else (maybe strangle them with them but not hand them over). That being said, the road to change is not always a smooth one and it doesn't always go from Point A to Point B directly. It has some twists and turns, sometimes a detour and usually some potholes (not to mention some road rage) but you can get there. What's that old saying? "It's a journey not a destination."

So despite the colossal amount of fiscal waste (and lord knows there is a lot of it), dysfunction, and yes, "tomfoolery" I remain hopefully and committed to positive change and improvement – I just no longer think it is going to come in the form of our current commission. They just cannot or will not get it together. Lucky for me us it is election season and we can make some changes in the form of electing new, qualified and capable commissioners. Commissioners who actually come to meetings (wow!) and get the work done.  We need more than Commissioners who don’t have room on the agenda for community concerns yet always seem to have time for community insults.

Last week Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C was once again in the news after Commissioner Mary Cuthbert of SMD 8C03 dropped the N-word on fellow resident and currently her constituent, ANC Challenger Larry Pretlow. His crime? Participating in the democratic process by running for the SMD 8C03 seat.

Now that I have given this a moment to reflect, there is something unsettling and combative about the term “challenger”. Aren’t we all on the same team regardless who is the captain? Why are we considering someone new a “challenger”? Aren’t they just another option? Aren’t options good? I like options. 

These ANC seats are not guaranteed. It’s not royalty. You aren’t born into a seat and you aren’t guaranteed to have it for life. That is what makes the democratic process so awesome. As long as you meet the requirements for the position (in this case living in your Single Member District at least 60 days prior to the election) then you can run for the ANC seat – the Advisory Neighborhood Commission seat. It’s not the Jane Doe or John Doe seat it’s the neighborhood’s seat and anyone in that neighborhood is allowed – scratch that – should be encouraged to run.

Two years ago, I wasn’t happy with the direction that my Single Member District was going in so I exercised my right as a resident and as a registered voter and I encouraged someone else in my Single Member District to run. I asked Dion Jordan, my friendly neighbor who had previously held the position to run in the 2009 election. I promised him that as long as he kept the needs of the community first, would give the position the time and effort that it deserved, and most importantly was willing to make some positive changes he would have my support. However, I also said that if anything changed and I felt (as is my right) that he would not be the best candidate that I would support someone else who would. That is what makes the democratic process so awesome – that we always have a choice. I think it is that choice that should be the motivating factor in keeping elected officials “on their toes” and accountable. Contrary to popular belief (especially in Ward 8), there is a pool of qualified talent in the community. We should seek them out, encourage them to run, and then give them our vote if we feel they are the best person for the job.

This isn’t a fight. It’s not a diss or a call to arms just because someone wants to run in a position currently held by someone else. For the life of me, I can’t understand or fathom why some ANC incumbents (not all but some) are so threatened by the thought of someone else running for an ANC position or upset if residents may want to support another candidate. There is nothing illegal, shady, or shameful about doing either of those things. Having a choice – especially good choices— is a GOOD thing.  Unfortunetly, I don't think all the  ANC 8C commissioners take that sentiment is being taken to heart. The chairperson of our commission (Mary Cuthbert) verbally assaulted a fellow resident for having the gall to run for the position she currently holds and in my case my SMD Commissioner, Dion Jordan won’t even say hello to me on the street just because I dared to exercise my democratic right and NOT support him in the next election. 

Who will The Advoc8te be supporting in the race for ANC 8C02?
I will be announcing that today! Stay tuned! Super excited!

Call me a Fickle Fanny, but to get my vote you have to earn my vote. Newsflash: the past two years were an extended job interview for the election on November 2, 2010.  There is no need for any incumbent to give me a dog and pony show this late in the game on why they should be re-elected. If they were doing a great job in their current term, I would already know why they should be re-elected. This isn’t going to sound nice but it’s true. Not everyone is going to be rehired after this next election. That is why it is called a race – not everyone is going to finish first.

If I could say anything to the current incumbents, it would be to respectfully remind them that if we have learned nothing from this recession it should be that no one is guaranteed a position (even an unpaid one) for life. More than enough candidates are qualified to do the job you currently have now. Don’t get mad at the person behind you who is ready, willing and able to do the job you are taking for granted. Do a better job! Better still, encourage them! I’m the president of my condominium association. I am always asking people in our association to help, to get involved, to take an active role in their community (then I ask them to stop parking illegally in front of the dumpster but that is another post).

That said if Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Positions were for life they would come with crowns. They don’t. Therefore, anyone with the residential qualifications (and hopefully a lot more) is allowed to run.

Now get out there and run for an ANC position and if you are privileged enough to be elected for a term don’t take the position (or the community) for granted.

Just as easily as you were voted in, you could be voted out.

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