WASHPO: The Southeast drive-by shootings: Prelude to a tragedy

The Advoc8te would like to hear readers responses to this article and to this tragedy that rocked the Washington Highlands neighborhood. A neighbor asked me a very thought provoking question yesterday, "should I stay or should I go?"

The Advoc8te asks East of the River readers, "Have you had thoughts of leaving East of the River? What makes you stay or makes you want to go?"

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article.

BTW if you are curious about where exactly is the "Peace Abode" where one of the would be killers was supposed to be transferred by the courts to learn "life skills" look no further than HERE. Hmmm...Peace - why does that sound familiar?


By Paul Duggan

Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 2, 2010; 12:54 AM

On the wrist of Sanquan "Bootsy" Carter, the bracelet looked like what it was: a band of cheap yellow metal, 1 5/8 inches wide, encrusted with scores of sparkly glass studs.

Just chintzy bling.

To its impetuous young owner, though, it was a dazzling bangle, and it would become a wellspring of violence and sorrow after it went missing one night while Bootsy partied in a Southeast Washington apartment.

Which is where the story begins.

It ends at South Capitol and Brandywine streets SE, just over a week later, March 30, in a burst of gunfire that jolted the city's conscience: a drive-by attack that killed three people, ages 16 to 19, and wounded six, including the only victim older than 20, shot in the head and still unconscious.

All of it off that bracelet.

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