What is Teenocracy?

From the Teenocracy website:

Teenocracy is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization that strives to provide a comprehensive explanation of the workings of politics, government and the political system to Washington, D.C. youth, ages 14-18 years of age. Through open forum discussions, in-the-field interactive expeditions, community service and community outreach, the members of Teenocracy will provide education of politics and the involvement in politics we all must have in this new age in our history and in our democratic society.

The Inspiration:
My inspiration for Teenocracy came from the political temperature of Washington, D.C. Historically, the District is majority African American and, in turn support the Democratic Party in great numbers. Since it was awarded the right to vote in Presidential elections by the 23rd Amendment in 1961, the residents of the District of Columbia have given their electors to Democrats, its representative in Congress is a democrat and they have recently voted out sitting Republicans on the city council.

Some of the success of Democrats could be attributed to tactful campaigning, inspiring platforms and positive results. But, with poverty at a high in the District, the school systems failing, crime running rampant and basic services mediocre at best, much of that success could be contributed to subconscious mindsets that many in D.C, including youth, believe: Democrats equals good and for the people and minorities. Republicans equal bad and against the people and minorities.

A deep misunderstanding and pleasant ignorance to politics, political beliefs and government operations have attributed to the past, current and on-going political extremism of Washington, D.C. Teenocracy would be designed to inspire youth to delve deeper into their beliefs, see how they relate to politics and policy-making and make informed decisions on their position on the political spectrum, whether it be Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, Green, etc.

How will this help?
Teenocracy, through its community outreach initiatives, will education peers, classmates, neighbors and friends, reflecting what they learn and bringing new members into the organization, spreading the ideals of self-determination and political activism.

Support Teenocracy by registeringbecoming a sponsor or following them on Twitter.
To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email congressheightsontherise@gmail.com
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