TONIGHT: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C Monthly Meeting

January's ANC 8C meeting was rescheduled for tonight at 6:30pm at the UPO Petey Greene Center. Please come and get involved! We must hold ourselves as well as our Single Member District Commissioners accountable. Officer elections should be on the agenda for tonight's meeting and we all know it is time for a much needed change in ANC 8C leadership. We have had enough of the backbiting, mismanagment and generally tomfoolery, it is time to work together toward cooperation, efficiency and transparency.  We can no longer accept "more of the same" and without an aggressive change in leadership we are doomed to another year where nothing much of anything is accomplished.

To learn more about what may be on the agenda for tonight's ANC meeting please visit Commissioner William Ellis's 8C01 Single Member District blog.

Please attend tonight's ANC 8C meeting.
Get involved. Ask questions. Demand more.

To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email

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