Well tell me how you really feel.

Sometimes The Advoc8te gets pushback from folks (always non River East residents) who think that I take this "Southeast" in the media thing too seriously. Then I see a comment like this one (in response to the WashPo Henson Ridge article) and I realize I am not taking the issue seriously enough. I bet dollars to doughnuts jabreal00 couldn't name two neighborhoods in all of "Southeast" but is so quick to write off an entire community east of of the river based purely on what he/she has read in the paper or seen on the news.

jabreal00 wrote:

I feel sorry for the misguided or the greedy. Some felt they were getting more bang for their buck, with townhouses costing $300K compared to the rest of DC. Others thought that some nice looking homes would change the natives there. Wrong. One cannot change an animal. Those people will just continue to rob, rape, assault, and murder eachother. I was looking for a housing this past summer. My realtor sent me some places in SE DC. I promptly dropped him.
12/14/2009 4:58:09 PM

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner

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