The River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.) holiday party is OPEN to anyone who wants to attend!

The Advoc8te thought the r.e.e.l. flyer and the December e-newsletter was pretty clear,  but to make sure there is no confusion I wanted to address this on the blog.  The River East Emerging Leader (r.e.e.l.) holiday party is open to anyone who wants to attend. You do NOT have to be an "official" dues paying member of r.e.e.l. to attend the holiday party.  We need to find ways to bring our community T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R - not keep us apart.

So from the folks at r.e.e.l please come out and attend their holiday party Thursday, December 17th, 7pm -9:30pm at the THEARC.  They are requesting (but not requiring) that folks bring (if they can) a canned good donation to help those less fortunate this holiday season.

You can also stay up to date on r.e.e.l. events including social and civic activities by signing up for their mailing list. Go HERE to sign up for the email list today,

The Advoc8te

From the December r.e.e.l. e-newsletter:

Hello r.e.e.l.!

Welcome to our monthly newsletter! We will use this newsletter as another way to keep you informed and involved in what we are doing as an organization.

Over the past couple of months, r.e.e.l. has been hard at work charting the future direction of the organization. Many of you have stepped forward to sign up for committees and become members of the organization. If you have not yet had a chance to attend one of our membership drives, it is not to late....feel free to sign-up using our website at . We still need your help to make r.e.e.l. the organization we all want it to become.

For the month of December, we are inviting everyone to come help us celebrate the Holiday Spirit and the success we have had as an organization thus far. Come on out to our Holiday Party on Thursday December 17, 2009 at THEARC. We will have food, drinks a DJ and a whole lot of fun. Mark your calendars today....see ya there!

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