Dr. Phil makes a surprise visit to ANC 8C! Advises Commission to "Stop the madness!"

Okay, so Dr. Phil didn't make it to last night's Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C meeting but we could have definetly used him. The meeting felt more like an intervention than a community meeting. There was drama, accusations, denial, excuses, yelling (some from yours truly) and at least one F bomb (also from yours truly). At the end of the meeting The Advoc8te felt both mentally and physically exhausted but oddly relieved to finally have aired out some of the foolishness that has plagued ANC 8C for years.

Despite the numerous attempts by Commissioner Cuthbert to cancel last night's meeting (for no reason and with no notice) ANC 8C still held their November ANC 8C monthly meeting at the UPO Petey Greene Center. Unfortunately, because only two of the five Commissioners showed up for the meeting (fyi-you need three Commissioners to be present to reach a quorum) the meeting was not official. No motions or resolutions could be passed. However, the meeting wasn't a total loss. Commissioner Ellis provided the community with much needed information regarding ANC 8C Operations and Finances, including the very important issue of $24k being withheld from the next ANC 8C allotment unless ANC 8C addresses the DC Auditor's audit recommendations by December 2, 2009. That's right, with less than 30 days until the DC Auditor recommends that $24k be removed from our next allotment for lack of compliance or proper approval ANC 8C "Chairperson" Cuthbert attempts to cancel the meeting and 3 of the 5 Commissioners fail to show up to the meeting - no call and no show.

In addition to typical ANC 8C tomfoolery, the community was understandably outraged by the unwillingness (or inability) of the DC Auditor, the DC Inspector General or any other DC agency or official to get aggresively involved  to ensure that ANC funds were not being wasted or misappropriated. Residents were also very vocal about their disapproval of ANC 8C in terms of its ,poor past performance and the lack of direction. On several occasions residents and commissioners alike suggested that Commissioner Cuthbert (who continues to erroneously claim to be Chairperson) needs to resign or be removed from office. The Advoc8te made the argument that the majority if not the entire commission needed to be replaced either through a recall or in the next election. My feelings on this issue was that it couldn't be any more clear that the majority of the Commissioners are just plain unqualified to do the job. They haven't the foggest idea what they are doing or even how to fix the current situation.

Although residents were able to vent, share information, make recommendations and truly grasp just how crippled our ANC has become,  in terms of specific actions nothing was officially accomplished during this meeting due to the lack of a quorum. Good news is that at least 20 residents came away from last night's meeting with their eyes opened, ready to ask questions and most importantly - demand results.

The Advoc8te foresees the December ANC 8C meeting also being "off the chain"  - unless of course Commissioner Cuthbert attempts to cancel that meeting too.

Below, please find a recording of last night’s ANC 8C meeting. Please note that with all the drama going on The Advoc8te didn't turn on the recording until 15 minutes into the meeting. Sorry!

To listen to the FULL recording of last night's ANC 8C meeting go HERE.


Commissioner William Ellis (8C01)

Commissioner Calvin Lockridge (8C07)


Commissioner Dion Jordan (8C02)

Commissioner Mary Cuthbert (8C03)

Commissioner R. Calvin Lockridge (8C04)

*The Advoc8te apologizes in advance for losing my cool a bit during last night's meeting.  With all the very important things that we need to address in our community it is so frustrating to continue to see our ANC waste funds and community support.

ANC 8C Mtng Nov 4 2009.wav - ANC 8C

Go HERE to view the full recording of last night's meeting.