6D and 7D PSAs Show Low Enrollment Numbers for Alert DC System
606/ 43
607/ 49
701/ 50
702/ 26
703/ 47
704/ 30
705/ 78
706/ 40
707/ 60
Compared to other PSAs with enrollment in the triple and even quadruple digits (PSA 208 has 1,351 subscribers) the vast community commitment in 6D and 7D for public safety doesn't seen to be translating over to high numbers of enrollment in the Alert DC program.
For those of you not aware (and it appears that many of you may not be) here is some information on the Alert DC program as posted on the DC Police Alert System website:
"The Alert DC system provides rapid text notification and update information during a major crisis or emergency. This system delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates on a range of devices including your:
e-mail account [work, home, other]
cell phone
pager, BlackBerry
wireless PDA
When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized DC Homeland Security & Emergency Management personnel can rapidly notify you using this community alert system. Alert DC is your personal connection to real-time updates, instructions on where to go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact and other important information.
Alert DC is available to citizens of the District of Columbia as well as individuals traveling to or working in the District. Sign up for an account to receive alerts and emergency notifications today."
Considering the many benefits of being alerted in real time to a local emergency or serious crime I have to ask why such low enrollment in the program?
Do the low enrollment figures reflect a general disregard from residents in these PSAs on public safety?
Are residents in these PSAs just unaware of this program or are they aware and just don't find it relevant?
Does the low enrollment figures reflect low attendance at these PSA meetings?
Is this program being marketed effectively? In addition to the PSAs, are citizens groups such as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, neighborhood watches, churches and local non-profits being utilized to spread the word on this service and to encourage participation?
Is this system out of the reach of low-income residents who do not have access to a computer and/or the computer skills (such as the elderly) to enroll in the program online?
The Advoc8te asks:
Why do you think there are such low enrollment numbers for the Alert DC System for PSAs in the 6th and 7th District? Have you enrolled in the program? If you are enrolled in the program do you find the system informative?
P.S. If you haven't yet signed up for the Alert DC program and would like to enroll go HERE. This information will also be added to the sidebar under "Community Resources".
For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner
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