OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Thanks for reading!!!

Exactly, a year ago today The Advoc8te started a little blog, Congress Heights on the Rise. At that time the purpose was just to express my feelings about my new community, share community information and hopefully increase the visibility of Congress Heights.

In that time so many wonderful and exciting things have happened to The Advoc8te, CHOTR, Congress Heights and River East in general. So many positive things are happening and so many people (residents and non residents) are getting involved, taking a stand and committing themselves to the success of their communities.

Thank you so much to all the wonderful readers and supporters of Congress Heights on the Rise and much kudos to fellow River East blogs, especially And Now, Anacostia who was such an inspiration in starting CHOTR. It is so wonderful reading new blogs such as Southeast Socialite, The River East Idealist and Barry Farms (Re)Mixed which provide such a unique, refreshing and most importantly POSITIVE perspective on River East life.

What a difference a year makes!

This is Congress Heights.
This is the [RE]revolution.

-The Advoc8te

P.S. More exciting news to come on Monday! Stay tuned!!!

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