DC Summer Jobs Contractor Fired for repeatedly calling Anacostia "Ghetto" on Twitter

Kudos to the Washington Post for bringing this to the the attention of DOES and kudos to DOES for firing this contractor who was not only inappropriate but stupid not only for tweeting his ignorant comments but for bragging about slacking on the job.

This is exactly the type of negative and mostly inaccurate stereotypes that we are constantly battling in River East and exactly why rebranding ourselves and educating the public is so very important.

Hopefully David Le has learned a valuable lesson. It would be great if someone could take Mr. Le on a tour of River East and show him all the really wonderful things about living here, especially the history. Perhaps then he would have some better adjectives to use for Anacostia than "ghetto". The Advoc8te is going to remain positive that these type of comments are born more out of ignorance than malice.

Article Excerpt:

By Nikita Stewart
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 25, 2009 8:17 PM

The D.C. Department of Employment Services fired a contractor who was working with youths in the city's summer jobs program after officials became aware of messages on his Twitter site that Anacostia is "ghetto" and that he was loafing at work.

David Le, who was working as a participant service specialist, was terminated yesterday, said Mafara Hobson, spokeswoman for Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D).

"He no longer works for DOES," she said. "I can't talk about personnel issues."

The firing came a day after The Washington Post showed Hobson a month-long string of tweets from Le's page. "In america's ghetto anacostia... If I get scared i will just yell chinese carry out! They will not shoot me," a message read on June 22.

On June 15, a message read, "thank goodness my boss is making things easy, he told me to pretend to do work so he can mark me down for hours."

Click HERE to read the rest of the article.
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