So it's been three days...

since the election. Since what could have been a HUGE step toward something new and wonderful in Ward 8. Unfortunately whenever there is change t here are people who will fear it.

The great news is that "change like time marches on" and without a doubt the days of Marion Barry are numbered and ALL of Ward 8 will be free from the shackles.

Charles - you ran a GREAT campaign and reached a lot of people. I KNOW that this is not the last we have heard from you. More great things are coming and you know you have a lot of your supporters who will be right there with you to make this change happen!

There is the November election and their are three people on the independent ticket including Yavocka Young but in order for that election or any election to be successful when MB is involved there needs to be a collaborative effort from all the challengers. We need one candidate that all the advocates for change can get behind.

MB may have gotten 77% of the primary vote but that is 23% - 1 in 4 of people who voted who are ready for him to "kick rocks". And that was with a divided vote. Can you imagine what would happen if we all got together and pulled our resources?

I am asking that the candidates look into their hearts and do the right thing for the ward and support the ward by uniting behind 1 candindate!!

Once again - Great job Charles!!! Much to be proud of!!! :)