Wishing you a wonderful holiday!
Teddy standing guard over my first Christmas tree
The Advoc8te wants to wish you and yours a great holiday regardless of how you celebrate it (if at all). 2021 was a challenging year for most of us; it may be hard to see the silver lining, but we are here, and we should be thankful. And for those we lost, we should remember and hopefully feel a sense of love and happiness in doing so.
For me, this year meant the beginning and end of many things. Along the way, I learned a lot about myself and the many gifts I have been granted. I am very thankful for the countless blessings and lessons I received in 2021. As I head into 2022, I am looking forward to my next chapter and my 45th year! For the first time in a very long time, I plan on celebrating my birthday for what it should always be, a celebration of life (even if it may have to be extremely scaled down due to the coronavirus).
It may be hard to believe, but after 25+ years living in the District, I bought my very first Christmas tree a few weeks ago (Frager's, of course). I had a great time decorating my inaugural tree under the supervision of Teddy the wonder dog. My family is not big on Christmas, but just the same, I sent out a round of holiday gifts to the women in my family with a nod to the sisterhood that binds us together -- despite family spats. Perhaps that made me feel okay to spoil myself a little this year in the gift department, particularly as I will have missed the past two years of my annual holiday retreats to the French West Indies for sun and swimming.
But all and all, I am very thankful (and just got a Facetime call from my family!), so I am going to sign off now and give myself the gift of enjoying the holiday.
So apologies in advance for today's short Congress Heights on the Rise, but I hope you get to spend it in happy holiday spirits too!