WACIF can help turn your entrepreneurial dream into reality [SP]

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Whether you need advice, a loan, or both, the Washington Area Community Investment Fund (Wacif) can be your partner to jumpstart your entrepreneurial dream this #DCStartupWeek #DCSW18.

We Offer:

- Loan Capital

- Small Business Resource Referrals

- Group & Cohort-based Training

- Small Business Advisement

- Technical Assistance in Financial and Operational Management

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Since 1987, the Washington Area Community Investment Fund (Wacif) has helped entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Our mission is to increase equity and economic opportunity in underserved communities in the Washington, DC area by investing knowledge, social, and financial capital in low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs.

*This outreach is made possible by the District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development’s Small Business Technical Assistance program.