The Spiggle Law Firm offering free legal representation for arrested or injured peaceful protestors

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People are making their voices heard.

And we're here to support them.

When you get past the intricacies of the law industry, it all comes down to helping people find justice. And to find justice, one must choose to be on its side.

The Spiggle Law firm believes that #BlackLivesMatter. We believe in #EndingWhiteSilence. And we wish to help those who are standing up for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color that have been fighting for their rights throughout this country's history.

To that end, here's what we're doing.

Many peaceful protestors are being wrongfully arrested and sometimes injured. Our seasoned trial attorney and former New York-prosecutor Francisco Mundaca is offering pro bono, no-cost legal services to anyone who has been arrested or injured while participating in non-violent protests in Washington D.C. and Maryland.

Call 202-743-2924.

For anyone else whose careers may be impacted by discriminatory practices which are becoming more apparent with each passing year, contact us to review what we can do for you.

We are witnessing great change, and are excited to be a part of it in whatever ways we can.