🏆 The Advoc8te's CHoTR Tip Sheet - How to Subscribe, Advertise, Follow and more!
How do I sign up for the CHotR Daily Digest?
Congress Heights on the Rise has made it super easy to receive east of the river news, events, sales and more, just sign up for our daily email!
You can sign up for the daily email one of two ways:
Visit www.congressheightsontherise.com , if you haven’t signed up before a pop-up box should appear. Just input your email info and away you go!
Click the NEWSLETTER tab in the header. Tip - The Advoc8te prefers this one because it provides the best info!
The daily digest is supposed to go out every day at 12pm but if there is a ton of info to share (or I am busy living my best life) then the email may go out later in the day like 1pm or 2pm. Don’t judge, this is a one-woman and one-dog operation! 😂
Can my business/nonprofit/government agency advertise on Congress Heights on the Rise?
Of course! CHotR launched in 2008 and since then we have have consistently been the source for news, events, editorials focused on Wards 7 and 8. Advertisers are welcomed to get the word out on CHotR’s website, daily email and social media platforms.
It’s a great trade-off, your organization benefits from CHotR’s reach and The Advoc8te uses your advertising fees to cover operations expenses and the volunteer/reduced-rate marketing and outreach work I do east of the river. That said, as an experienced DC marketing professional I have a good idea of who has a marketing budget and who doesn’t. 👀 Don’t even try to get me to comp you advertising or consulting work when I know you have a marketing and/or outreach budget. Few things annoy me more than seeing an organization invest in paid avertising on WotR media outlets but expects comped space on CHotR. Cry me a full-bleed river! 😂 As a Ward 8 based small business I don’t play that at all. Not to say I don’t comp space and resources but I decide who and it’s usually reserved for east of the river organizations and community groups with limited resources. East of the river freelancers, consultants and small businesses are not only worthy of compensation, it’s long overdue. So don’t be stingy, break out that checkbook (although I do prefer Paypal). The same principle applies to The Advoc8te’s consulting work. I don’t do coffee but schedule permitting I do offer consultation appointments billed hourly.
Interested in advertising? Drop me a line and request a rate sheet. Reduced rates for Ward 7 and Ward 8 nonprofits and charter schools. DC government is invited to advertise as well.
Interested in The Advoc8te’s consulting services? Drop me a line and tell me more.
Are there more ways to get my east of the river news?
Of course! Click on the links below to follow!
@TheAdvoc8te [includes blog posts and my personal shenanigans, rants and raves]
@CHOTR_DC [this is a new handle, it’s only CHotR posts so if you want to avoid being updated on the shenanigans in my life this is the handle to follow]
Congress Heights on the Rise
The Advoc8te is on Instagram but it’s mostly pictures of my dog and snacks! I’ll spare you the details! 😂
The Advoc8te