❤️ Thank you for spreading #SoutheastLove
The team at Martha’s Table (2375 Elvans Rd, SE) spreading the love!
Another Southeast Love Day on the books! The Advoc8te had such a great time yesterday sharing some new love and revisiting some of our old (but no less special) loves. This would not have been possible without the time and support of so many wonderful community members and organiztions so I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my Southeast Love heart! I hope you were able to feel the love and to learn more about the people, places and organizations that make the Southeast community and the District so great!
And remember, you don’t have to wait until next year to spread the love! Use #SoutheastLove all the time and anytime! I’m always keeping an eye out!
And if you missed yesterday’s posts or want to revist them go HERE.
The Advoc8te