Sept 17 | Cosmetic Acupuncture with Jasmine Lister

Thursday, September 17 | 2:30 – 3pm

Jasmine Lister, professional holistic medicinal advisor and founder of Bliss Bar Acupuncture, Alexandria, VA talks about this little known aspect of the ancient healing art of acupuncture that includes wrinkle and eye bag removal and other fixes of facial appearance.

Jasmine Lister, L.Ac is a native of Alexandria, and received her B.A. in biology and studio art from the University of Virginia. She is a graduate of the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) in Portland, Oregon where she received a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. She specializes in facial rejuvenation, dermatology, stress and weight management. She completed the International Dermatology in Chinese Medicine Diploma Course taught by Dr. Mazin Al-Khafaji of the Avicenna Centre for Chinese Medicine in the UK in the Fall of 2019. In the Spring of 2018, she was awarded the prestigious Trudy McAlister Foundation scholarship. That spring, she became a certified  Empress Facials™ specialist, after completing a facial rejuvenation training under Dr. Ganging Zhou, L.Ac., Ph.D. 

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