Sept 14 | Info Session for Ward 7 + 8 Microbusiness Grants

The Dream Grants are operated by the Department of Small & Local Business Development's Inno.ED team

  • Eligible businesses may be awarded up to $10,000 for use in growing their business in 2021.

  • Eligible businesses are licensed and headquartered in DC Wards 7 and 8, have fewer than five employees, and are majority owned by residents of the Wards. Additional eligibility requirements apply.

We recommend all applications fully read the official Request for Applications (RFA).

The grant application period is August 15th to September 30th at 2 pm. 

DSBLD will also provide additional paperwork bootcamps to support applicants in understanding the eligibility requirements for the grant. Both sessions are optional.

You may also chose to watch a recording of the first, August 19th information session here and a no-audience recording of the Paperwork Bootcamp here. We will cover the same content at future session(s).

Questions not answered during an information session or bootcamp should be sent to No calls will be accepted.

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